Dr. Jack Reilly

Associate Professor of Political Science


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CHL 204


Social Science 102

Political Science | Quantitative Social Science | Public Policy | Urban Studies | M.S. Applied Data Science | Gender Studies


Ph.D., M.A., University of California, Davis
B.A., Reed College

Professor Reilly teaches courses in American politics, political behavior, and quantitative social science, with particular focus on elections, partisanship, social networks, political geography, and social communication. He studies how the social, political, and geographic contexts in which citizens are embedded structure their political choices, preferences, and behavior.

Interests: political behavior, elections, American politics, quantitative social science, complex systems

Recent Courses

Introduction to American Politics
Campaigns, Elections, and Voting
Public Opinion, Polarization, and the Politics of Identity in the United States
Social Networks and the Context of Political Behavior
Political Geography
Contemporary Republican Theory
Modern American Political Realignment
Quantitative Political Analysis II
Research Design Workshop in Political Science


Recent News

NCF Associate Professor Jack Reilly Participates in Kansas City Study: Crowded Homes Drove People To Break Social Distancing Rules

Selected Publications

“The Crowding of Social Distancing: How Social Context and Interpersonal Connections Affect Individual Responses to the Coronavirus” (with Debra Leiter and Beth Vonnahme.) 2021. Social Science Quarterly.

“Echoing Certainty in Uncertain Times: The Effect of Network Partisan Agreement on the Quality of Citizen Forecasts in the 2015 Canadian Election” (with Debra Leiter and Mary Stegmaier). 2020. Electoral Studies.

“It’s Trump’s Party” (with Ronald Rapoport and Walt Stone). 2020. The Forum.

“Civil Rights and Populism: The 1957 Civil Rights Act in the U.S. Senate” (with Robert Huckfeldt and Erik Engstrom.) 2020. Chapter 4 in Race, Class, and Social Welfare: American Populism Since the New Deal. Cambridge.

“Third Parties, Turnout, and Social Influence: Why Third Party Entry May Decrease Turnout in Plurality Systems” (with Debra Leiter and Joel Bremson). 2017. Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas.

“From Respondents to Networks: Bridging the Gap between Individuals, Discussants, and the Network in the Study of Political Discussion” (with Matthew T. Pietryka, Dan Maliniak, Patrick Miller, Ronald Rapoport, and Robert Huckfeldt.) 2017. Political Behavior.

“Social Connectedness and Political Behavior.” 2017. Research & Politics.

“Noise, Bias, and Expertise in Political Communication Networks” (with Robert Huckfeldt and Matthew T. Pietryka). 2014. Social Networks.

“Opinion Leaders, Expertise, and the Complex Dynamics of Political Communication” (with Robert Huckfeldt and Matthew T. Pietryka). 2014. Chapter 10 in Experts, Activists, and Interdependent Citizens: Are Electorates Self-Educating? Cambridge.

“Networks, Interdependence, and Social Influence in Politics.” (with Robert Huckfeldt, Jeffery J. Mondak, Matthew Hayes, and Matthew T. Pietryka). 2013. In The Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology. Oxford University Press.

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