Dr. Bernhard Klingenberg

Director of Data Science

Professor of Statistics


Phone Number

Email Address



Heiser E160


Heiser E172C



Ph.D, University of Florida

Recent Courses

Data Visualization
Topics in Statistical Inference

Selected Publications

  • Agresti, A., Franklin, C., Klingenberg B., (2021). “Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data”, 5th edition, Pearson, 733 pages. See also: www.ArtofStat.com
  • South, K., Klingenberg, B. and Leininger, E. (2021), “A novel degree of sex difference in laryngeal physiology of Xenopus muelleri: behavioral and evolutionary implications.” Journal of Experimental Biology.
  • Zhan, C., Heatherington, L. and Klingenberg, B. (2020), “Disordered eating- and exercise-related behaviors and cognitions during the first year college transition.” Journal of American College Health, DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2020.1775608/
  • Topaz, C., Klingenberg, B., Turek, D, et al. (2019), “Diversity of artists in major U.S. Museums.”, PLoS ONE 14(3): e0212852. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0212852
  • Iyer, M., Essner, M., Klingenberg, B. and Carter, M. (2018), “Identification of discrete, intermingled hypocretin neuronal populations”, Journal of Comparative Neurology, doi: 10.1002/cne.24490.
  • Rice, Patterson, Reed, Wurn, Robles, Klingenberg, Weinstock, Pratt, King and Wurn. (2018). “Decreasing recurrent bowel obstructions, improving quality of life with physiotherapy: Controlled study”, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 24(19): 2108-2119.
  • Fry, Ellis, Koontz, Shyne, Klingenberg, Fields, Chern and Blank. (2017) “Ovarian cancer survivors’ acceptance of treatment side effects evolves as goals of care change over the cancer continuum”, Gynecologic Oncology, Vol. 146, Issue 2, 386–391.
  • Rice, Patterson, Reed, Wurn, Klingenberg, King, Wurn. (2016). “Treating Small Bowel Obstruction with a Manual Physical Therapy: A Prospective Efficacy Study”, BioMed Research International, Vol. 2016, Article ID 7610387, doi:10.1155/2016/7610387
  • Klingenberg, B. (2015) “Multiple Comparison of Marginal Probabilities Following GEE estimation”, Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Vol1.
  • Klingenberg, B. (2014) “A new and improved confidence interval for the Mantel-Haenszel risk difference”, Statistics in Medicine (33), 2968-2983.
  • Rice, Wakefield, Patterson, Reed, Wurn, Klingenberg, King, Wurn. (2014) “Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Measure Serious and Common Quality of Life Issues for Patients Experiencing Small Bowel Obstructions”, Healthcare (2) 139-149.
  • Klingenberg, B. and Satopaa, V. (2013), “Simultaneous confidence intervals for comparing margins of multivariate binary data”, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (64), 87-98.
  • Klingenberg, B. (2013), “On a null variance estimator for the Mantel-Haenszel risk difference and corresponding confidence interval”, Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Vol 2, 651-654.
  • Klingenberg, B. (2008), “Dose-Response Modelling with Bivariate Binary Data under Model Uncertainty”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Utrecht, 297-302.
  • Klingenberg, B., Solari, A., Salmaso, L. and Pesarin, F. (2008) “Testing Marginal Homogeneity against Stochastic Order in Multivariate Ordinal Data”, Biometrics (65), 452-462.
  • Klingenberg, B. (2008), “Regression Models for Binary Time Series with Gaps”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (52), 4076-4090.
  • Klingenberg, B. and Xu, Y. (2007), “Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Margins of Multivariate Data”, Proceedings of the Conference on Complex Models and Computational Intensive Methods for Estimation and Prediction (S.Co. 2007), Venice, Italy.
  • Klingenberg, B. and Agresti, A. (2006), “Multivariate Extensions of McNemar’s Test”, Biometrics (62), 921-928.
  • Agresti, A. and Klingenberg, B., (2005), “Multivariate Tests Comparing Two Vectors of Binomial Probabilities, with Application to Safety Studies for Drugs”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (54), 691–706
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